
Invitrogen™ Bolt™ Empty Mini Gel Cassettes, High Capacity

On demand
Order number : NW2010
(Ex-work price)
$ On demand

Invitrogen™ Bolt™ Empty Mini Gel Cassettes

Bolt® Empty Gel Cassettes give you the option of pouring your own special gel type while still enjoying the advantages of the Mini Gel Tank . The cassettes are sealed on three sides (so no gel leakage) and feature the unique wedge-shaped well. They are available in the standard 1-mm thickness and can be used with Bolt® 10- or 12-well combs (Cat. Nos. NW3010 & NW3012). Since Bolt® empty cassettes are pre-sealed with the slot pre-taped, a bulky casting stand is not necessary.


  • 20 Cassettes


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