
Invitrogen™ Anti-miR™ hsa-let-7c miRNA Inhibitor Positive Control

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Order number : 4392431
(Ex-work price)
$ On demand

Invitrogen™ Anti-miR™ hsa-let-7c miRNA Inhibitor Positive Control

Ambion® Anti-miR™ miRNA Inhibitors are chemically modified, single-stranded nucleic acids designed to specifically bind to and inhibit endogenous microRNA (miRNA) molecules. These ready-to-use inhibitors can be introduced into cells using transfection or electroporation parameters similar to those used for siRNAs. Anti-miR™ let-7c miRNA Inhibitor Positive Control provides a convenient, validated positive control for experiments using Anti-miR miRNA Inhibitors. Endogenous let-7 miRNA negatively regulates HMGA2, a ubiquitously expressed, nonhistone chromatin protein that modulates gene expression through changes in chromatin architecture. When transfected into human and mouse cells, Anti-miR hsa-let-7c miRNA Inhibitor blocks endogenous let-7c miRNA, resulting in increased levels of HMGA2 mRNA.


  • Anti-miR™ miRNA is provided dried down in a single tube, along with Nuclease-free Water for resuspension


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