
IVFtech Sterica 210cm Cabinet

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Order number : cabinet 210cm
(Ex-work price)
$ On demand

IVFtech Sterica 210cm Cabinet

IVFtech Sterica cabinets are designed to protect the samples with a constant flow of clean air, and is made to meet the specific requirements of IVF Laboratories. It is build the provide a vertical laminar flow. The vertical laminar flow provides clean air over the whole of the working area and is manufactured to meet the requirements for IVF laboratory work, such as “vitrification”, “ICSI” manipulation, “sperm collection” and IVF routine work.

With control board with timer to switch on/off the fan and on/off the heated tabletop. All brands of microscope can be installed, choice between oculars through the front window or a secondary window inside the cabinet, which allows the front window to be closed.

The low speed of the fan gives longer life of HEPA filters and blowers and saves energy and less turbulence around the microscope.

Laminator/diffuser uniforms airflow allows more balanced air through lower speed.

The IVFtech Sterica cabinets can be customized to all the above functions and provides an flexible back bone of any IVF laboratory as the cabinets comes in four sizes, with or without height adjustable legs.


  • Sizes are available in: 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 and 240cm        
  • Heights are available in: 700-750mm, 800-850mm, 900-950mm and 705-1100mm

Options for Sterile cabinet back wall:

  • Electrical plugs            
  • Flow Meter            
  • Monitor outside/inside            
  • Preparations for incubator            
  • Humidification system            
  • Aspiration tunnel            
  • UV light

Options table top:

  • Stainless steel or Himacs® table top            
  • Standard heat 450 x 650mm            
  • Full heated 450 x 830mm            
  • Extra heat 450 x 200mm            
  • Extra heat 450 x 400           
  • Witness preparation flush          
  • Anti-vib            
  • IVFtech heated glass Ø45mm and Ø60mm            
  • Table top integrated incubator
  • Low noise level: IVFtech Sterile cabinet has been designed to give you the lowest noise level on the market
  • Filtration: Class H-14 HEPA filters in accordance with EN 1822. Filter efficiency 99.999% against 0.3 μm particle size. 99.995% in MPPS.
  • Maintenance & Service: The maintenance of IVFtech cabinets is done from the front, no need for moving the cabinets, which in turn reduces down time during service.



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