
MGIEasy UDB Universal Library Prep Set (16 RXN)

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Order number : 1000022803
(Ex-work price)
$ On demand

MGIEasy UDB Universal Library Prep Set (16 RXN)

The MGIEasy UDB Universal Library Prep Set is specifically designed for creating WGS libraries for the MGI high-throughput sequencing platform series. This library prep set is optimized to convert 1-1000ng of fragmented DNA into a customized library. Unique Dual barcode supported double checked barcode split method ensuring sequencing Homogeneity and accuracy. 


  • Unique dual barcode to avoid contamination between samples: The cross-contamination rate between samples was less than one in 10,000
  • Suitable for FFPE samples: For FFPE samples, excellent performanc
  • Good sample compatibility: Humans, animals and plants, high or low GC bacteria 
  • Suitable for different commercial probes: Compatible with the different capture probes, with excellent capture rate


  • Core library, MGIEasy Universal DNA Library Prep Module (16 RXN): 1000019376
  • Adapter, MGIEasy UDB Primers Adapter Kit(16 RXN, 16 barcodes): 1000022800
  • Clean Beads, MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads: 1000005278
  • Circularization, MGIEasy Dual Barcode Circularization Module: 1000018649 

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