
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Color Silver Stain Kit

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Order number : 24597- Thermo
(Ex-work price)
$ On demand

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Color Silver Stain Kit

Thermo Scientific Pierce Color Silver Stain Kit detects proteins electrophoresed in 1D and 2D polyacrylamide gels using metallic silver to produce color variations that facilitate differentiation of protein bands and spots.


  • Customizable—kit is a reagent set that allows customized formulation of working reagents and staining protocols for particular gel formats and silver-staining applications
  • Sensitive—detects many proteins at 0.1ng per square millimeter in standard-thickness gels
  • Broad protein detectability—stains a wider range of protein types than monochromatic silver stains (proteins that do not bind silver are revealed as yellow bands or spots)
  • Color differentiation—gel-separated proteins and polypeptide-containing macromolecules stain in five basic colors: black, blue, brown, red and yellow
  • Profiling resolution—multicolored detection of DNA, lipids and polysaccharides in addition to typical proteins provides additional landmarks to aid in 2D gel profiling


  • 500 mL Silver Reagent
  • 500 mL Reducer Aldehyde Reagent
  • 500 mL Reducer Base Reagent
  • 500 mL Stabilizer Base Reagent


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